Marnita's Recovery Journey
“A very dear friend introduced me to AtoZ Botanicals. She knew of my years-long battle with pain. At times, I wanted to cut myself in half and throw away the bottom part. The MRI’s, the spinal taps, the poking and prodding around looking for MS, and a multitude of other diseases to explain my symptoms. The chronic pain and lack of sleep turned me into a shell of myself. I eventually could not do my job as a private chef, or even load my own dishwasher anymore. Once I began taking the tinctures, I saw slow but steady improvement in my sleep and my pain stopped ruining an entire day.
Fast forward a couple of years, and I’m now seven weeks out from a double spinal fusion and an additional back surgery a few days later. With AtoZ Botanicals, I was able to wean myself off the narcotics a lot sooner than anyone expected. I use the “Pain Relief Rub” on my healed incision and any other muscle and joint aches. The “Ultra Sleep Aid” and the “Natural Premium 3000mg” drops allowed me to begin the weaning process from all those neuropathy meds that I took for so many years. Thanks to AtoZ Botanicals, I now look forward to a healthy, energetic, happy, and PAIN FREE future.”
- Marnita B. Private Chef